Friday, February 13, 2009

Hi everybody. Thank you to those that came to the Hall on the 8th Feb. We had a good afternoon, everybody seemed to get lots done, but unfortunately no photographs were take (sorry about that). Will take heaps hopefully next time on the 8th March. We look forward to seeing you all then. Just to let you know that the price for the hire of the hall has "jumped" up, from $15.00 to $33.00. It won’t affect the monthly fee of $5.00 but just means that it will take a while for the kitty to grow and for us to buy more equipment.
On a more serious note about the bush fires down south, if you go to Petrina’s blog, you will see there is a way that the scrapbooking community can help out in a small way. So if you can help out, please do, if you can’t get to the Creative Artz Cottage or Petrina, you could bring them along on the 8th and we can organise to get them sent off. As you can see from Petrina’s blog, there are other ways we can all help out. I am sure all our thoughts are with everybody.
See you on the 8th March
Dilys & Linda

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